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Resolution Status

RESOLUTION:     012120-04

ORGANIZATION:    Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC:         Resolution Amending the Ashland University (AU) Student 

Senate Constitution to Create an Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students for the AU Student Senate

SPONSORS:         Justin Politzer

CO-SPONSORS:    Rebecca Young, Schuyler Berger, Cassandra Ponzi, Matthew MacDonald, 

Nathan Sims, Katy Wickberg, Josh Hlavaty, Nicholas Novotny, Jacob 

Nestle, Shelby Starnes.


Acknowledging that the AU Student Senate exists both to represent and serve the undergraduate population of Ashland University, and;


Recognizing that the veteran and active duty service members of Ashland University have specific needs and at times lack representation at Ashland University, and;


Striving towards an accurate and responsive Student Senate that best represents the interests of the student body, and;


Determined to ensure an effective and inclusive undergraduate student representation; therefore,


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Article IV to create the position of the Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students on the AU Student Senate with the following language:


“§21.     The Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students shall be directly elected by

  all undergraduate veteran and military-connected students, per the records of the 

 Ashland University Office of Veteran Services.


IV.21.1 The term of office shall be one year.


IV.21.2 The Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students  shall have one vote. 


IV.21.3 The Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students shall be elected in the 

 spring, according to the rules and regulations set forth in the Bylaws, and shall    

 have all the powers and duties therein written.


IV.21.4 The Officer of Veteran and Military-Connected Students must be a veteran or 

current member of the Armed Forces, according to the records held by the Office 

of Veteran Services,” and;


Amends the AU Student Senate Bylaws under Article X, Section 1 to include the following language:


“X.1.21 The Officer of Veteran and Active Duty Service Members shall:

X.1.21.a    Serve as a representative of the community of veteran and 

military-connected students at Ashland University.

X.1.21.b    Act as a liaison between the AU Student Senate and the 

Ashland University Office of Veteran Services.

X.1.21.c    Serve on the Student Affairs Committee.”


RESOLUTION:     090919-01 

ORGANIZATION:    Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC:         Resolution Amendmending the Ashland University (AU) Student 

Senate Constitution to Create an Officer of Diversity and Inclusion for the AU Student Senate

SPONSORS:         Sabrina Maristela, Ruby Congrove

CO-SPONSORS:    Mark Gorsuch, Dana Awlia, Logan Kaser, Katheryn Wickberg, Kaitlyn 

Clark, Schuyler Berger, Nathan Sims, Nicholas Novotny, Jacob Nestle, Jacob Brown, Abigail Wilhelm, Tiffany Sims, John Miller, Jakson Kennedy, Mike Serrato, Isaac McCourt


Acknowledging that the AU Student Senate exists both to represent and serve the undergraduate population of Ashland University, and;


Recognizing that all Ashland University students are diverse and should feel included, but that diversity and inclusion constitutes a particular concern not yet addressed through representation on the AU Student Senate, and;


Clarifying that all Ashland University students are included in existing representation, but experience unique challenges and circumstances regarding diversity and inclusion that may be overlooked in the absence of particular attention and knowledge, and; 


Determined to ensure accurate and inclusive undergraduate student representation; therefore,


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Article IV to create the position of the Officer of Diversity and Inclusion on the AU Student Senate with the following language:


“§20.     The Officer of Diversity and Inclusion shall be directly elected by the Student Body.    


IV.20.1 The term of office shall be one year.


IV.20.2 The Officer of Diversity and Inclusion shall have one vote. 


IV.20.3 The Officer of Diversity and Inclusion shall be elected in the spring by the 

general undergraduate population of AU according to the rules and regulations set 

forth in the Bylaws, and shall have all the powers and duties therein written,” and


Amends the AU Student Senate Bylaws under Article X, Section 1 to include the following language:


“X.1.20 The Officer of Diversity and Inclusion shall:

X.1.20.a    Serve as a representative of the community of diverse students at AU

X.1.20.b    Act as a liaison between the AU Student Senate and the 

AU Office of Diversity and Inclusion

X.1.20.c    Serve on the Student Affairs Committee” and;


Approves of the creation of a special election held in the Fall of 2019 for the election of the Officer of Diversity and Inclusion for the 2019-2020 AU Student Senate. 


RESOLUTION: 112219-01

ORGANIZATION: Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC: Resolution Condemning the Increased Cost of Color Printing

SPONSORS: Sabrina Maristela, Jacob Brown



Recognizing that printing in color is more costly to the University and is therefore sensibly more costly to the student as well, and;


Understanding that many classes require students to submit color copies of assignments or provide color copies of hand-outs for presentations, and;


Acknowledging that a student would only be allowed 40 color prints under the proposed increase, which may be insufficient to provide a color hand out to each student in the class, and is almost surely insufficient to provide a double-sided or multi-paged hand out, and is also insufficient should a student be required to make multiple presentations per semester, and;


Emphasizing that using color prints in order to print notes, charts, graphs, and assignments that are originally in color is a vital aspect of academic success and studying, and;


Desiring to remove all barriers to academic success for all students, and;


Seeking a solution that benefits the University without being a detriment to student academic success; therefore,


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Condemns the increase in cost of color prints from 2 black and white prints to 10 black and white prints, and;


Requests that the cost of printing color pages remain at 2 black and white prints so that students not be kept from academic success for lack of printing capability. 


RESOLUTION: 030520-01

ORGANIZATION: Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC: Resolution Submitting Amendments to the Ashland University (AU) Student 

   Organization Manual Regarding the Chartering of Student Organizations

SPONSORS: Sabrina Maristela, Katheryn Wickberg

CO-SPONSORS: Nathan Sims, Ashley Schaar, Nicholas Novotny, Ruby Congrove, Jacob Brown, Jacob Nestle, Mark Gorsuch, 

STATUS: Passed


Establishing that a flexible, timely, and fair system of chartering student organizations is essential to the health and vitality of AU’s campus life;


Seeking to provide a clear, realistic, and timely processes for fully chartering student organizations;


Maintaining the importance of AU students’ ability to learn from their mistakes and re-apply for a charter if they are denied a charter;


Mindful of AU’s recent policy changes regarding the charting of student organizations, and; 


Confident in the viability and prudence of the following changes after dialogue with the current Director of Student Activities and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, therefore;


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Submits the attached amendments pertaining to the chartering of organizations to the AU Student Organization Manual to be effective as soon as possible. 

AU Student Organization Manual, Page 6


  • As a third bullet in the first box of the diagram, add: “May apply for full charter status after one semester if opting to take advantage of the accelerated approval option.”


  • As a new number “2” under the “Full Charter” section, add: “2. A provisionally chartered organization may also opt for ‘accelerated approval,’ which allows them to apply for and, upon approval, receive their full charter after one semester. This request must contain an organization constitution and a roster. These materials must be submitted using the Engage Ashland platform. Organizations opting for ‘accelerated approval’ will be held to the same standards of participation, activity, and other factors as an organization applying for a full charter after one full year of provisional status.” The current number 2 will become number 3.


  • As a new number “3” under the “Full Charter” section, add: “3. If the ABCC’s recommendation is denied by the Student Senate or VPSA, the organization will receive an explanation from the party who withheld approval, and will be given the chance to apply for a provisional charter the following October/November (the regular time window in which to apply for a provisional charter) under the same name and constitution, provided they address the concerns given in the aforementioned explanation.” The current number 3 will become number 4.


RESOLUTION:     041420-01

ORGANIZATION:    Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC:         Resolution Amending the Student Senate Constitution to Reflect Operative     __________________Changes within the Residence Life Committee

SPONSORS:         Jacob Nestle

CO-SPONSORS:    Kaitlyn Clark, Nick Novotny, Nathan Sims

STATUS:        Passed - unanimous


Aware of recent changes to the operation of the Department of Residence Life, primarily in the elimination of Hall Councils, and;


Recalling the role that the AU Student Senate plays in cooperating with administration officials to bring about the best policies for students and the university as a whole, and;


Desirous to reflect these changes since they do not impact the capacity of students to represent themselves on the Student Senate or in the Residence Life Committee; therefore,


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Article X to reflect the operative changes to the Department of Residence Life in the role of the Executive Officer of Residence Life, with the following language:


“X.1.6    The Executive Officer of Residence Life shall:


            X.1.6.a        Chair the Residence Life Committee.

            X.1.6.b        Bring Residence Hall-related issues to the Senate.

            X.1.6.c     Ensure effective communication between the Senate and
                   the Residence Life staff.

            X.1.6.d     Serve on the Executive Cabinet.

            X.1.6.e        Serve as an ex-officio member of the Student Affairs
                   Committee,” and;


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Article X to reflect said changes in the role of the Residential Senators, with the following language: 


“X.1.17    The Residential Senators shall:


            X.1.17.a    Represent the students of their respective residential
                   units to the Senate.

            X.1.17.b    Serve on the Residence Life Committee,” and;


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Article XI to reflect said changes in the operation of the Residence Life Committee, with the following language:


“§ 7.    Residence Life Committee


    XI.7.1    The Executive Officer of Residence Life shall chair the Committee.


XI.7.2    All Residential Senators shall be members of the Committee, and the Executive Officer of Student Affairs shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.


XI.7.3    All Residential Senators and Residence Life Staff shall be considered members of the Committee. Residence Life Staff is not counted for the purpose of a quorum (which shall be no less than a majority) of the Committee for the purpose of doing business.


XI.7.4    The Committee’s duties shall include:


    XI.7.4.a        Addressing all issues pertaining to Residence Life.

        XI.7.4.b        Meeting regularly with the Director of Residence Life
                   and/or their designated representative.

        XI.7.4.c        Developing, initiating, implementing, and evaluating
                   residential policies.

        XI.7.4.e        Performing all duties described in the Residence Life
                   Committee Bylaws.

    XI.7.4.f        Fulfilling other duties as assigned by the Executive
                   President,” and;


Amends the AU Student Senate Constitution under Appendix I, Article II to reflect said changes in the bylaws of the Residence Life Committee, with the following language:


§ 5.    The Residential Senators shall: 


II.5.1     Be elected according to IV.17 of the Ashland University Student Senate Constitution.


II.5.2    Perform such other duties as may be assigned to the position by the Executive Officer of Residence Life.


II.5.3    Have one vote.


RESOLUTION: 041420-03 - The Class Session and Coursework Fairness Resolution ORGANIZATION: Ashland University Student Senate 

TOPIC: Resolution Insisting that Class Sessions are Held at Convenient and Appropriate Times and Convenient and Appropriate Windows of 

Availability are Set for Coursework 

SPONSORS: Nick Novotny 

CO-SPONSORS: Joshua Hlavaty, Katlin Meek, Reina Britt, Rebecca Young, Katheryn Wickberg, Mark Gorsuch, Yosola Olujide-Ajibade, Kaitlyn Clark, Noah 

Ford, Ashley Shaar, John Miller, Jacob Brown, Sabrina Maristela, Dana 

Awlia, Jacob Nestle, Cassandra Ponzi 

STATUS: Passed Unanimously 

Recognizing that Ashland University and its faculty face unprecedented circumstances and challenges to course instruction, and; 

Affirming that Ashland University places great emphasis on its core values, which include the values of Accent on the Individual, Spirituality and Faith, Academic Freedom, and Excellence in Teaching, and; 

Concerned that some faculty have chosen to hold class sessions at and open and close the availability of coursework within inconvenient and inappropriate times, including but not limited to weekends, university-scheduled breaks, and religious holidays, and; 

Determined to ensure that all students receive a quality education, insofar as is possible under the current unprecedented circumstances, without needless inconveniences in course instruction; therefore, 

Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate: 

Insists that any faculty doing so cease and desist from holding class sessions at and opening and closing the availability of coursework within inconvenient and inappropriate times, including but not limited to weekends, university-scheduled breaks, and religious holidays, and; 

Requests that faculty department chairs, college deans, and the Provost ensure that class sessions are held at convenient and appropriate times and that convenient and appropriate windows of availability are set for the completion of coursework.


RESOLUTION:     021820-02 

ORGANIZATION:    Ashland University Student Senate

TOPIC:         Resolution Ensuring the use of the Ashland Student Senate Seal

SPONSORS:         Nathan Sims, Katheryn Wickberg

CO-SPONSORS:    Nicholas Novotny, Kaitlyn Clark


Understanding that “The Senate serves as the voice of the undergraduate Student Body of Ashland University; in order to promote the general welfare of the students and the University community as a whole” per Article II of the Ashland University (AU) Student Senate Constitution, and;


Recognizing that AU Student Senate must present a reasonable and consistent image of itself to avoid confusion or abuse, and recognizing the legal implications of using Ashland University’s seal, and;


Determined to continue the Senate’s tradition and reputation for not committing libel against any individual, and;


Clarifying that, even in the absence of libel, the AU Student Senate does not intentionally endeavor to publish any message aimed solely at hurting the feelings of any individual, therefore;


Be it resolved that the Ashland University Student Senate:


Encourages that all official Senate publications bear the seal of the official AU Student Senate, and; 


Declares that the Senate shall not use the seal of Ashland University in any official Senate publications


Passed 25 Feb. 2020

1 abstention



"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."


Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



Instagram: @AUStudentSenate


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