Campo visited today: Welcome back! Poem by Thomas Hardy, touched on AMULIT and how it will help our students build skills, more undergrad students in prisons than on campus, going to have many more online students, wants a curriculum that is more competency based, wants to offer more study abroad opportunities at lower costs, wants to increase the number of online classes, aiming for summer 2021 to be a full summer term (this means that students can complete a full semester over the summer and take the fall off if needed), also wants AU to continue to grow in inclusivity
Officer Reports-
Vice President: going to wait until retreat to touch on things, talking and recruiting some members for important stuff, next month or so, he will be attending an enrollment management and marketing committee
Academic Affairs: no report
Finance: let him know when things are broken
Student Affairs: no report/ not present
Judicial Affairs: if you have not gone through conduct board training you will be receiving an email from them soon
Residence Life: working out times that work best for reslife committee meeting; looking for more interest in the alcohol debate, closing the paraphanalia resolution this semester
A.B.C.: ABC allocates funds this semester, club treasurers need to fill out the forms for funding, if you know any club treasurers let them know to fill out the form
Senior Class: no report
Junior Class: no report
Sophomore Class: sending out welcome back email: send her any info
Freshman Class: met with people who run orientation; online orientation is going well; biggest concern is communication and getting freshman to activate and check their emails; want to introduce more traditions during orientation, Ashlandpalooza to become a tradition; international students ARE invited to attend orientation and need to go through International Services (Dana responded saying that she is unsure if international students are receiving emails or know how to access AU email and she has no seen many international students attend orientation; met with people in charge of FSS and their concern is getting freshman to still attend the class after degree planning, there was a change to this class in 2014, they plan on meeting with the professors and talking about the syllabus and how the class can be better
Advisors: no report/not present
President: gotten some emails; a lot of following up with things from last semester but also getting on with new things; RETREAT on Monday, MLK Day; Dauch 115; office hours!! Email her with your info for that; MLK Day of Service, would be cool for senate to do this; exec have board meetings on Jan 31st; office of diversity- new system for concerns regarding hate speech at AU, be patient while discussing this
Old Business: none
New Business: none
General Concerns: Josh- after attending student conduct training, still getting denied to attend meetings (send emails to Rebecca)
Josh- friend of his on Bball team who is going to grad school; was not allowed to register for classes until 2 hours before the deadline and almost could not play for the season; he will write something up and send to Nick
Mike- printers are trying to finesse everyone by automatically setting to color printing
Katy- rumors about spending freeze
Sabrina- Email about spending freeze- Dr. Campo and the executive leadership team passed a memo called the Immediate Hiring and Non-Essential spending freeze. This will not impact ABC funded organizations. She has emailed Nicole about whether or not this will affect the grant system and are still talking. She will be meeting with Dr. Pool on Friday.
Justin- Kim Lammers got a promotion (Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Title IX coordinator) and the only person above her is Dr. Pool; concerned that she has too much power
Announcements: Katy- 11:55 Wed scream at the flagpole with Philosophy Club; congrats to Nathan on his marriage!!
Jacob: come to karate Thursday at 7pm; YAL meetings Mondays at 9pm
Sabrina- join dance club
Justin- CAB taking applications
Meeting Closed at 10:18