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Minutes 2/4/20

Student Senate AU

Officer Reports- 

Vice President: went to EMM board meeting, replaced our financial aid legislative system, new director of admissions Ray Blair starts on Feb 10th, Judy Molholen (probably misspelled) new director of retention, she will be focusing on diversity, walk-on athletes, and conditional admins, currently looking for VP of EMM,  green light to start building a new AU website, they are in the process of finding out the cost of it, we have an AU tik tok @goashlandeagles, compared to last year we are down 10 deposits but up from 2 years ago, spring retention rate is at 88.6% but goal is 90’s, inquiries from students are up 300% from last year, international enrollment is stable, correctional facilities is continuing to expand headcount and hours, EMM making progress in a lot of good areas, rising trend of students not going to college is something they are working on combatting, meeting with Brethren Care Village went really well, passed out a volunteer application form for everyone to fill out, there are a lot of different areas they need help in, he is getting their events calendar so we know what they need and they have shifts of only 45 mins- an hour, getting more info soon, let's try to get to a sporting event in the next two weeks

Academic Affairs:.last Thursday he attended the academic affairs board meeting. He mentioned the disagreement between faculty and administration about how to operate the college of adult studies,. And they have come up with a list of issues they need to work on and created committees to work on them about less animosity about the adult studies program, committee passed a resolution so that the Provost has control over that college as well, reporting that the colleges are doing well, faculty had concerns about the spending freeze regarding program planning and assessment, Kaylin from grad senate had concerns about the writing center only having 1 person there for grad senate

Finance: deferred maintenance backlog, significant donor interest for the fieldhouse, working on the correctional facility, budget seems okay considering the spending freeze

Student Affairs: board meeting for the student life committee, career services is launching a new program for internship opportunities, they are guaranteeing that if you speak with them that you will have an internship before you graduate, Christian Ministry office has a new Executive Director, Charles Neff,  2 new counselors starting this semester, assistant director of Rec Services resigned, they are searching for someone to fill the position to hopefully start this summer, 214 Participants for the 5K Fun Run And collected 350 pounds of food for associated charities, Kim Lammers was promoted to Assistant Dean of Students and Title lX coordinator, 10 additional cameras were recently purchased for parking lots and Kates gym, alcohol violations dropped 28%, new volunteer services time off policy that gives faculty and staff 8hrs paid off to volunteer, verteran military facility grand opening is planned for May 8th, resolution for the amendment to the social issues policy was denied by the board after a long discussion with little progress

Judicial Affairs: no report

Residence Life: he sat on the financial committee board for Jacob B, , his committee is going to continue working on salvaging the relationship between res life and students

A.B.C.: meeting with Nicole on friday about the funding side of Engage, looking into ways to let the student body know how to find Engage

Senior Class: starting to get people together for commencement

Junior Class: no report

Sophomore Class: no report

Freshman Class:  main focus is on FSS and including honors students in that, the honors have their own FSS but it is lacking in vital info regarding degree planning and academic advising

Advisors: Dr Pool; new strategic plan is in the works, let Sabrina know if you are interested, planning a reception for Christian Ministry, we need to continue to work together to figure out what systems of collecting student feedback will work best 

President: sign up sheet for Future Eagle Days, Judy Molholen will join us next week, let her know if you’re interested, institutional advancement committee board meeting, look at the website, they have videos of student stories, passed a resolution from the faculty senate to name Patterson Lab 200 after Dr. O, he was awarded a mentor award, Committee deals with big donor gifts, 50 mil endowment, Kates is getting a new hall of fame, they are trying to get a new softball field, working on getting an ROTC program partnership with OSU Mansfield, 6 points in order for the campaign,  endowment, faculty support, veterans, athletics, campus beautification, annual giving, at the larger board meeting Dr Bonfilglio spoke very happily about the situation with faculty senate and the university, student academic grants were released the morning of the meeting, she let the board know that the denial of our resolution was disappointing and how it affects the mood on campus, discussions regarding shared governance about faculty administrative relationships, conversation about how important it is to have students involved in governance conversations

Old Business

Jacob N.; resolution 012820-01 2nd read:

Voted, passed unanimously, no abstentions

Sabrina; resolution 012420-01 2nd read:

Josh; question, explain how this upholds the rights of student governance

Sabrina; answer, because it is not overseen by someone outside of the senate

Josh; question, who would be enforcing this legislation

Sabrina; answer, same protocol for any other break of the rules

Josh; question, would it make more sense to stick with the policy that is already in place

Sabrina; answer, because there was no policy in place

Paul; question, how many people saw the form with the survey before it was sent

Jacob N.; about 6 saw what it was 

Paul; question, it still went out?

Jacob N.; most who saw it did not see it as “ready to be sent”

Reina, question, with people seeing it, wasn’t there the intention that it would be sent

Jacob N.; answer, the intention was not that everyone gets it as a survey, it was to send it as an issue presents

Reina, question, was this made known to the 6

Jacob N.; answer yes but we were also working on other things

Jacob B.; clarification as one of the 6, he just glanced at it and said “this is a good idea”

Jacob B.; opinion, expansion of presidency power, he does not like this because we are each elected to uphold certain responsibilities

Schyuler; opinion, agree with Jacob, this is an infringement on individual senators right of student governance and free speech, also kind of hates it

Shelby; opinion/concern, still have same issues, she would like to see specifics on certain language in it, Question; would we have to wait a week to overrule the president's decisions

Rebecca; opinion, agree with Schyuler and Jacob, she trusts Sabrina but she can’t trust the next president to not abuse this

Justin; opinion, seems to be an overreaction of the 1 time incident, would rather see a recovery strategy

Nathan; opinion/comment, agree with Jacob and Justin, there are a lot of subjective things and grey area, the purpose of the constitution is to have black and white themes so we know how to run the senate, a policy like this is redundant because this policy won’t actually solve anything

Isaac; opinion, would be more in support of adding a clause to the constitution that explains how to handle a future event

Nick; opinion/comment, agree with Isaac, the real issue was that this looked like something from the senate as a whole

Josh; opinion, agree with Shelby, communication is time sensitive when coming from senators, no one should have the power to control how a senator communicates with their constituency

Katy; motion to vote

Voted, denied, one abstention

Nick; comment, when it comes to accountability, we should want to have someone check over but it doesn’t need to be a hardset policy

Nathan; comment, overall the mistake was only seen by 6 people out of 40

New Business:

Nathan; motion to move into executive session

****executive session discussion****

Sabrina; comment, want to address that she believes there is a difference between a spokesperson and someone who is in control 

Sabrina; Connor 

Nick; cool, funny, smart

Paul; question is he in a fraternity

Sabrina; which one

Justin; Phi Kappa Psi

Katy; how many Phi Psi’s

Matthew; 9

Mike; motion to vote

Voted, approved, one abstention

Nathan; motion to move out of executive session

Connor appointed to FSL rep! 

Sabrina; resolution 020420-01 1st read; 

Dana; question, timeframe of when senators would have to approve/deny

Sabrina; answer, gets tricky because only 2 need to approve

Schuyler; clarification/suggestion, didn’t realize that it meant only 1 other person

Nathan; comment/ suggestion, interesting resolution because misuse of the AU seal is an actual problem, would suggest to make a policy that senators are not allowed to use the AU seal, we must use the senate seal

Paul; comment, should go through the exec board

Jacob N.; comment, might be difficult but it isn’t a bad idea

Jacob B.; question what is publication

Sabrina; answer, mainly emails, flyers

Jacob B.; question, social media? This reads as ANY publication by a senator

Justin; question, what does approval mean

Sabrina; answer, accountability

Shelby; question, takes time to get approval and could interfere

Nick; comment, should be a difference between individual senators communication vs whole senate communication

Kaitlyn; comment, agree with Nick

Jacob B.; comment, we all have email signatures which makes everything “official senate communication”

Kaitlin; question, couldn’t I just find someone who agrees with me

Sabrina; answer, technically yes and she will decide if she likes that

Nathan; comment, we should scrap this and write a resolution about the seal

Katy; comment, agree with Nathan

Nick; comment, constituency trusts senators with certain responsibilities

Reina; comment, this has a major effect on PR

Josh; comment, agree with Nathan

Schuyler; comment, see Reina’s point, this effects time for PR, we would need to make special parameters for PR

Kaitlyn; comment, this inspires better communication among senators

Nick; comment, certain degree of freedom for our PR person that we elected

Jacob N.; comment, we could draft more bylaws for the PR, the resolution threatens free speech

Nathan; comment, will put a clause about the PR when writing new resolution

Jacob N.; comment, if this resolution would have passed last semester, this incident still would have happened

Emma; change the top of minutes?

Sabrina; answer, yes

Nathan; motion to table

Voted, tabled

General Concerns: 

Katy; student satisfaction survey didn’t go out to commuters

---new concern---

Dana; someone wanted to live off campus but turns 22 in November, she was denied even though her mother was going to live with her

---new concern---

Nathan; several students having trouble swiping into 2nd floor of andrews

Jacob B.; keeps having trouble

---new concern---

Ashley; showers in senior apts flooding

---new concern---

Josh; front door to clayton sometimes doesn’t open because of the sensor

Jacob B; sensors can be untriggered and it takes a minute to trigger it again

Isaac; if you walk to slowly or coming from the stairs at too sharp an angle it won’t work

Cassandra; watched someone just pull the door and it opens

Jacob N; a lot of doors do that so if you see someone do this, yell at them because doing that makes the locks weak

Schuyler; big safety hazard for fires 

Matthew; no expert on doors but he thinks that the sensors get disengaged when fire alarms go off

Dr Pool; not sure if ours work this way

Sabrina; Jacob can follow up

Josh; door seal is magnetic so people can just pull it open, that can break the doors

Jacob N.; yell at them

---new concern---

Shelby; ticket filled out about flood lights being out along sidewalk by apt B and C


Nick; Pi Sigma Alpha, poly sci honorary interest meeting

Jacob N.; Phi Alpha Theta and YAL hosting an event about the constitution

Reina; Delta Zeta selling scrunchies in the student center

Dana; ISS taking a trip to snow trials

Katy; Tue at 7pm, kick things with Nestle, wed 11:55 scream at the flagpole

Jacob B.; state senate primary debate, wed in chapel @ 7, Phi Delta Theta having event on Feb 27th bball tournament, Alpha Phi @ bdubs wed, conference with 3600 undergrads, don’t underestimate the community we have here

Schuyler; Feb 10-14 is commuter appreciation week

Nathan; motion to close

Meeting Closed at 11:10p

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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