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Minutes 2/11/20

Student Senate AU

Officer Reports- 

Vice President: Replay for Kids with AU GIVS on Tuesday, Feb 18th @ 6p-8p were you will be fixing kids toys, this Saturday from 10-10:45  there will be a alumni board meeting about traditions that AU can have and they want senate to come, Future Eagle Day is this Saturday and we will have a table from 10:30-12:30 in COBE and maybe we can have goodies at the table, he went to a Vision Task Force for the mission statement and strategic plan for the next 7 years, empower community group looking to have more collaborative spaces,  home basketball games on thursday 13th (wear pink) and saturday 15th

Academic Affairs: no report

Finance: meeting with Fred (head of dining services) this morning about collecting complaints, flyer in convo and nest on how to submit,  microwave in nest, willing to look into the prices for gluten free items in nest 

Student Affairs: no report

Judicial Affairs: no report

Residence Life: preparing to send out an email to his committee, he was able to participate in Replay for Kids and it is really fun

A.B.C.: met with Nicole last week about the budget form and it has been sent out to every club president and faculty advisor, any questions about it come to him, working on structure for the grant proposal

Senior Class: gathered feedback on the Ashland Healthy Mind (generally good feedback and people loved it)

Junior Class: no report

Sophomore Class: no report

Freshman Class: newsletter going out, working on the issue with FSS and honors students

Advisors: Dr. Pool, hearing a lot more about the coronavirus and discrimination so if you hear it, report it, asking his collegues to be sure they are inviting more students to be a part of the strategic planning committee, university is looking into being tobacco free and it is only a question right now


Josh; bigger universities are probably not doing this

Ashley; her previous school was pushing for this because of kids with asthma

Katy; enforce rules we already have more

Nathan; is this in response to student complaints or well being

Dr. Pool; well being

President: Judy Molholen was going to come but lives far away so she will get in touch with people who are interested email from Kim about Bringing in the Bystander,  Speak up planned for the week before spring break

Mythbuster Mondays: Ruby; every monday we will debunk myths we see about campus

Bringing in the Bystander: Justin; getting people to engage in preventing sexual assault

Old Business:  none

New Business: none

General Concerns: 

Noah; swipes don’t always work for Andrew’s 3rd floor

---new concern---

Dana; library signs with 10:1 color print still up

---new concern---

Dana; smoking trash cans right outside the doors of buildings and not far enough away for the requirement

---new concern---

Justin; commuter students have tried to use the commuter lounge but couldn’t because non commuter students were doing events in there

Josh; sadly is an all access but would love for it to be commuters only

Dana;  no reason for commuter lounge to be only for commuters because they now have access to dorms

Nathan; out of respect

---new concern---

Ashley; eagle card office hours

Jacob K.; set up an appt

Nathan; can get a temporary ID

Isaac; can have it sent to safety and she can pick it up then


Katy; Kick things with Nestle tue @ 7:15, wed @ 11:55 scream at the flagpole

Dana; international club is having valentines open mic fri from 5-7

Nathan; have a happy valentines day

Noah; also known as singles awareness day

Reina; DZ selling scrunchies in the student center

Nick; wed is Abraham Lincoln's Bday

Nathan; motion to close

Meeting Closed at 10p

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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Join us every Tuesday at 9:30 PM in the Student Center Conference Rooms!

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