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Minutes 1/21/20

Student Senate AU

Officer Reports- 

Vice President: committees are working together to get some projects done, a goal this year is to have more publicity, would be great to get senate together to go to sporting events and wear our shirts, check out the excel sheet with sporting events and times he sent in his email, he would really like to go to the swim meet this friday at 6pm (swim team’s last home meet), working on service opportunities and letters to send to students in correctional facilities

Academic Affairs: meeting with Faculty Senate education technology committee, have a full time director of education technology (James Hanes),  look for an email with a survey about academic tech, if you have had any issues regarding blackboard let him know

Finance: printers are still defaulting to color so tell people to check, if you used up your prints without knowing so, contact IT and request their prints back, color printing is still 2:1

Student Affairs: working with Nathan and a few others about service project ideas

Judicial Affairs: no report/not present

Residence Life: a form was sent out that all senators have access to and some other students on campus, good to have another source of info other than the student satisfaction survey and good to have another outlet for students to express concern, sent out before it should have been and he accepts that responsibility, the goal was to gather info but rather started rumors and hurt some feelings, he hopes that faculty and senate can continue to work together to provide students with another way to express grievances, passed out resolution for new business

A.B.C.: Nathan sent some of us emails to be on Matthew’s committee because this semester is when ABCC looks at funding for groups, he would like to have a larger group discussing this

Senior Class: working on picking a valedictorian speaker by January 31st, and also received a lot of feedback on their email regarding feelings/ grievances about gluten free/ dairy free Eagles Nest options, senior class gift and getting things ready for graduation

Junior Class: apology about 3 resolutions

Sophomore Class: interest in languages and things for the events planning committee

Freshman Class:  no report

Advisors: Dr. Pool: welcome back and thank you for the feedback, March 25th State House in Columbus visit, let him know if you want to go by March 13th, ask Christy to come and discuss how the new student conduct process is going, faculty senate president and others gathered to discuss specific themes, would love to have senators on this, Rich History, Bold Future 2025, looking for other speakers for graduation,  Board of Trustees coming up, Jacob thank you for discussing the survey

President: retreat went well and thank you all for coming, hurt feelings regarding the residence life survey, hurt feelings were not intentional, big miscommunication, watch out for the AU Seal; sometimes this automatically is on the page but use the Senate seal

Old Business:  none

New Business:

Jacob N. 012120-01 1st read ( administration not yet addressing a previously passed resolution) 

Josh question: Could they be ignoring it because they don’t want to deal with it?

Jacob answer: Discussed this with Kim and Dr. Pool and they want students to take point on it, it is possible that this happened in the past but he doesn’t  think that’s the case.

Nathan clarification: he was a part of the resolution and i was not very specific and what the admin is asking for is a specific plan 

Matthew: motion to table, voted, approved to table

Justin 012120-02 1st read (Privacy policy regarding seeking medical help for alcohol of drug related issues on campus)

Jacob B. clarification: about possibly saving someone’s life and is even a law in 17 states  

Nick: it’s merciful and has a clause that prevents abuse 

Shelby: has there ever been a specific situation at AU 

Jacob B.: answer: whether there has been a specific situation or not, giving students the opportunity is beneficial 

Katy: clarification: many universities have this and is discussed in freshman success seminars and cosponsor   

Noah: question/suggestion: change “continued use” to “continued misuse”  

Justin: answer/more clarification: does not want to use the term “misuse” but could say “continued abuse” also this would only prevent students from facing consequences from AU but legal consequences might still present themselves     

Nick: suggestion: should take out “continued” because that implies that misuse is okay

Nathan: motion to table, voted, approved to table

Schuyler: new service project idea! Compassion International:; sponsors underprivileged kids in third world countries, $35 a month so if we all participate it would only be about $1 per person 

Nathan: super excited and thinks this is important especially for our freshman senators to get involved with 

Nick: this is a great opportunity 

Schuyler: you can request to be a correspondent and write letters to kids who are already sponsored because some businesses will sponsor 100 kids and can’t write letters   

Kaitlyn C.: her family also sponsors kids and she thinks it is an awesome opportunity  Nathan: an idea, maybe we can sponsor more than one kid   

Schuyler: if you are interested, let her know, she will set up a sheet that we can fill out if we are interested   

Josh: question: how would you go about collecting money monthly  

Schuyler/Nathan: talk about it later 

Sabrina: we cannot use club funds so this would be personal money

Justin 012120-03 1st read (co-curricular organizations and funds)  

Nathan: idea: would there be a way to format it and make a form that each club can fill out  

Justin: answer: can definitely work with ABCC and Nicole Dyer to create something   Matthew: clarification: pretty sure that there is or will be a way to do this on Engage Ashland this semester and if senate would want the info, we would have access to it   Nathan: motion to table, voted, approved to table

Sabrina and Rebecca were talking about student conduct and they believe that all senators should be required to do the student conduct training  

Nathan: would love to do it but was confused on the process 

Jacob N.: training is very helpful but if you have a conflict of interest, you should not be required to serve 

Jacob B.: only problem he has is finding a time that he is available to do it 

Nick: when we first passed the resolution, many people were excited, idea: if we can’t gather enough of the senate to sit, we should be able to oversee which students sit because admin can choose whoever, worried that students who work with reslife are serving as student reps but may be pressured to side with reslife/ university, maybe we could have a process of approving students to sit and would have the right of removal   Josh:would like to work with Nick on this idea; has noticed that RA’s who sit seem pressured to side with their boss and a bit of a concern when most of the board is RA’s  Sabrina: confused on the emails and realizing that the training is not a requirement and should be  

Dr. Pool: student conduct does not fall under senate responsibility and legally we cannot oversee student conduct  

Sabrina: senators were excited for this opportunity and we want to clarify it so everyone knows what this is 

Josh:question: would there be a way that we could set up a training that happens at our meeting to train us all at once   

Sabrina: will pass ideas on to Rebecca; no language written up 

Justin 012120-04 1st read (officer of veteran and active duty service members) 

Justin: veteran students possibly moving into what is currently the CASA house, he thinks this will be great to have someone representing these students  

Justin: friendly 

Jacob B.: question official election? Spring election? Appoint someone?  

Justin: answer: appoint someone for now, he has talked to many students and one is very interested (Lincoln Dupree)  

Jacob B.: question: we did not appoint for the diversity officer so would that create an inconsistency regarding new officers?  

Justin: answer: would be okay with amending it to say “special election”  

Josh: knows a lot of students who are veterans and thinks this is a great idea

Justin: friendly   

Tiffany: question: what is the size of this population  

Justin: answer: meeting with the director of veteran services and will be sending out a survey to get this info

Jacob N.: cosponsor/ going to benefit the continuously increasing emphasis on the veteran population  

Josh: question/suggestion: add the word “reserves” because Lincoln specifically is in the reserves  

Justin: answer/friendly he thought reserves was part of “active duty”

Matthew: suggestion: could say “currently serving” 

Justin: friendly  

Nathan: motion to table, voted, approved to table

General Concerns:  

Tiffany: swipe access to Andrews still randomly not working  

Mike: question: since the TKE house is being turned into the USA house, does that mean the TKE’s cannot ever get their house back  

Dr.Pool: answer: the housing arrangement is only temporary but if it is successful, it could be more permanent   

Jacob B: question: what numbers would TKE need to get the house back 

Dr.Pool: answer: somewhere around 30 but given the current size, it would take 2 more recruitment years to get close  

Mike: clarification: occupancy is 22 rooms  

Shelby: been issues with fire alarms randomly going off in the senior apt B and safety has been to their apt MANY times to try to fix it, facilities changed batteries and parts and they still go off randomly and is very unsafe

Ashley: not happening in A

Katlin M.:  also happening to her

Nathan: anonymous said that their electricity went completely off in their room

Noah: potholes in Lot I

Isaac: call the RA on duty if something like that happens in the senior apts again

Ashley: apt A does not have the duty #

Isaac: he will make sure that;s fixed

Jacob B.: blew a breaker and called safety and they fixed it within a couple hours

Josh: in regard to tickets, he will go submit a ticket about Lot I now

Justin: told by administrators that a floor in Kem may be closed because of low enrollment; having a whol;e floor closed hurts the undergraduate experience

Sabrina: Tiffany and John are working with marketing/enrollment 

Nick: academic advising and retention committee has brought up this conversation and there are complaints regarding why people transfer

Nathan: he serves on the enrollment management and marketing committee and he has a meeting regarding letters to prospective students

Dana: rooms in Jacobs are very cold and a student told her that the university is lowering the heat due to budget

Liz (AC): absolutely not 

Dr.Pool: not talk from facilities about lowering the heat

Jacob N.: sounds like a rumor that senate should knock down because if this spreads, it could hurt the university and students

Jacob B.: the tuition freeze could possibly help with the enrollment

Dr.Pool: hearing a lot of concerns so if you aren’t getting your voices heard, go to the website and file a student complaint

Ruby: issues with Field experience for teaching, the form they fill out says that they will help you find carpooling if you cannot drive, they did not tell her until a few days before field started about a ride and caused her to panic and has had other students share the same complaint

Nick: he would like to see this form so it can be discussed with the dean

Justin: event happening on the 9th floor of Amstutz, the door was left unlocked to allow event goers in, this scared the students and made them feel unsafe in their residence hall

Ashley: resident in senior apt A showing people that if the door is punched in the right way, the door will just open, a lot of people know about this now


Dana: World Cafe France, wednesday in Eagles Landing @4pm

Katy: kick and hit things with Nestle on Tuesdays at 7pm, scream at the flagpole wednesday at 11:55am

Justin: CAB is bringing a comedian on Saturday and having a blood drive next Wednesday

Jacob B.: College Republicans wednesday at 9:30

Josh: if you wanna see him participate in warmups and then sit on the bench at the basketball games then come to them!

Jacob N.: Jacob Brown just sounded like a used car salesman

Nick: Phi Alpha Theta is running their membership drive this month , don’t need to be history major or minor ( need 12 hours of history, 3.1 in history, 3.0 overall)

Katy: if you are signing up for Phi Alpha Theta and are not a history minor, you might as well be

Justin: Alpha Lambda Delta sent out invites to join

Schuyler: freshman with sophomore credits need to reach out about it because they might not have gotten the email, if anyone is interested in AUDC email her or sabrina

Sabrina: sophomore class maybe include in an email about Alpha Lambda Delta

Nathan: arcade night by CAB was awesome; also please fill out the excel sheet about the sporting events, really wants to go to swim meet

Sabrina: office hours starting wednesday

Nathan: motion to close, voted, approved

Meeting Closed at: 10:53

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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