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Minutes 10/1/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President: The ad hoc alcohol committee has moved under the direct supervision of Jacob Nestle and Res Life. Direct point of contact is Jacob Nestle.

Academic Affairs: Met with provost (VP academics), Amiel Jarstfer, who just started this year. If you or anyone you know have a substantial interest in a Mandarin program email Nick. Any blackboard issues must be submitted as IT tickets, even if you do not think IT will get to it. Helps university quantify issues.

Finance: Giant list currently being worked on. Andrews has no hot water. Dauch getting a bike rack.

Student Affairs: No report.

Judicial Affairs: No report.

Residence Life: If you are planning on serving on the alcohol ad hoc committee, send an email to Jacob now. ARDs should have sent out hall reps emails. Working on pet policy with Res Life committee members. Entire Res Life committee should be meeting sometime in November.

A.B.C.: No report.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: No report.

Freshman Class: On past Sunday, Tiffany attended a suicide prevention walk. A decent amount of students heard about the walk. Debbie Sullivan, director of AU wellness, wants to get more people at wellness events and the department wants to focus on mental health awareness. She wanted to know if Student Senate would partner with her to for events. Wants to focus on smashing stigma around talking about issues around mental health, focus for next year. CPR event this year. Debbie would like Student Senate support for CPR training.

Advisors: Dr. Pool: Thank you for patience concerning counseling center- there are students very concerned about not getting scheduled for counseling in a decent amount of time. We currently have an opening for one counselor. Also got approval from University to add another counselor center. Start ASAP, but ensure a right fit. Talked to IT, made sure they were aware that most residence halls had issues with internet. Looking forward to reviewing alcohol policy, relaxing on paraphernalia. Deliberating on allowing alcohol in rooms (21+) in res halls.

President: New resolutions and constitution in drive. Need to fill some spots: Nursing (just need to be a nursing major), Senior VP, Kil. Elections for officer of diversity and inclusion packets live. Election Monday 10/7, rep can attend meeting at 10/8. Need to do a speak-up, starting to put together. Speak up in fall, forum in spring. Looking to have it first week November-ish? A toga event! Smashing stigma event. We are putting together an event ad hoc committee. Talking to Lake tech guy, weird thing happened with emails. Hopefully things will be made clearer soon. Chicken wings in tiles in Kem elevator, screaming when entering elevator, stealing signs/name tags from halls.

Old Business: N/A

New Business: N/A

General Concerns: Noah Ford- Stairwells- photos removed in hallways by auxiliary services. Being replaced. Justin- Another external glass door door kicked in at Kil, cameras not able to get clear image of person. Would be nice if there were cameras on the external doors of Kil. Res life aware of this issue, just wanted to send info forward to Senate. Josh- Massive holes in Lot I, Facilities’ attempt to fix the holes resulted in a mound, creates a hill instead of a hole. Suggestion for a crosswalk from Lot I across College. Tiffany- trying to send out newsletter to freshman class, went to student affairs office and student life for email list. They responded that it was not possible to get a list of names of the freshman class. Res life can email people by hall. Katy- Can eagle mail change and become more appealing? Nathan- get into habit of reading eagle mail and Collegian. Heard from a couple of polisci majors and people of color that a polisci class made it seem that slavery was ok.

Announcements: Scream 11:55 tomorrow, organizing a special alumni scream. Karate Tuesdays 7:15 PM, Ashland Falconry team next week 7 PM. 10/12, homecoming game, throw some eggs. Enemy of the people 10/11-12, 10/18-19. Tickets $2 for students. Zumba Monday 5:15 at aerobics room rec center. Ratio Christi- socratic discussions on apologetics. Tomorrow night college Republicans Ashbrook Center. Phi Delta Theta philanthropy event Wifflefest. CAB comedian. Tomorrow 7:30, leading fearlessly speech. Tomorrow night ridenour room dauch, for any young ladies interested in Chrisitan ministry, Delight will be meeting. Next Monday 6:15, Midsummer’s Night Dream in ABC. Ballet Friday 9 PM aerobics room. Tap student center auditorium 7 on Wednesday.

Meeting Closed at

10:01 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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