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Minutes 10/15/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President: Everyone should get a shirt! Heat-pressed by the University, way cheaper. Don’t stick them in the dryer; they can crack the heat pressing. Air dry them. Report from enrollment and marketing committee- as far as enrollment management goes, tuition went up. Enrollment- focus on bringing whole family to AU, not just individuals. Dottie- adopting new software for enrollment with an 8-second response to prospects. Undergrad admissions- furthering what’s unique about AU. 75.3% retention rate from Fall 2018 (dropped a few points)- 38 people left, academic reasons, classes were too hard. Also financial reasons (sophomores, main reason). Other schools nearby enrollment went up. Reimbursing travel for prospects for visits. International enrollment- competition similar and the same, ebbs and flows. Actual currency change- international students pay $2k more because of conversions. Correctional programs- growing at an exponential rate 2,471 students. 22,997 credit hours. Working with 2 biggest correctional businesses in US. 65 locations. Putting some strain on the faculty, but all faculty members are happy to participate in the program. AU’s identity is one of the biggest things they are working on. Trying to define. 5 pillars. Nathan serving on a board with faculty to hash those things out. Faculty senate and Nathan agree on AU identity. New board of trustees- Scott Williams, president of vinyl marketing. Wants a masterbrand→ everybody knows what Ashland University is. Getting a trademark. Website- 12,000 pages, why website is so confusing. Trying their hardest to fix it, need manpower and funding. Over 1k edits on website, taking down nonexistent pages, compiling pages, etc. Corporate partnerships going up for AU. Overall: great board meeting. Moving in the right direction, bright future. Paid off $2.2mil in debt.

Academic Affairs: Attended academic affairs committee. Some discussion among provost that exchange student program gone down over past year. Study abroad suggests cutting of previously worked with colleges, cutting 3 universities in South Korea, curriculum does not align. HLC, non-academic assessment. College of education- 25% did not take SAT/ACT, but by the end of 4 years state teacher licensure passing rate 99%. Awesome. Separate faculty policy for online school. Faculty senate (Dr. Paddags, Dr. Macdonald)-curriculum built by faculty members on campus, but building a lesser degree program online→ does the quality of our degrees on campus go down? Faculty built online school, not told that they were not teaching in online school until policy written.

Finance: Rick still addressing things. 1. Fraternity circle camera, a matter of changing positions of cameras or adding more cameras. Looking into repositioning cameras. 2. Lot I giant hump- gravel settles and put more on over time. Board meeting- 2.5% tuition increase (no freeze), new students getting a 5% tuition increase with a 4 year freeze. In a better position financially than last year- correctional program. Trying to look at finances of university in new ways, looking at each college and the number of revenue they bring in per credit hour. $400,000 of renovations, around $100,000 unplanned, why not as many renovations. Veterans center- has money to renovate. Housing project to buy out apartments for senior apartments in process. No one mentioned anything about sorority housing at the meeting. Very pleased with meeting.

Student Affairs: 2 new proposed sports- Stunt (passed full board)- 25 spots, full-time coaches. A lot of high schools in area have stunt teams, sort of like competitive cheer. Mix between gymnastics and cheerleading. Passed full board, going to be official AU sport, potentially going to be NCAA sport. Hoping to be really marketable to stunt population; only other universities offering stunt are Tiffin and Hiram. Also women’s bowling (tabled to January), hoping to pass in jan., not as promising as stunt. Kids at high schools in area in competitive bowling. Emphasize both women’s sports, not as many athletic opportunities for women as men on campus, trying to expand opportunities. Alignment policy- student senate amendment was tabled for January. One of the voting members of board not there, board members seem to be on the fence about it. Did mention that there is a graduate student senate up for charter (full)- have been having meetings in dauch. Get in contact with them. Brief athletics update- football game against Grand Valley- #3 play of the day on ESPN. Play got millions of hits on websites. Men’s track and field won two national championships last year. Team impact partnership, adopts children with disabilities and involves them in sports teams. For all teams? Hoping to get more involvement. Cassandra working on that right now. Hopefully every team soon. Three minor violations with NCAA. Res life update- new wifi, cable discontinued, new surge protectors, tentative things about the future. POSSIBLE policy changes- 4 year residency requirement, seniors living off-campus, conversations about changing alcohol policy, actually considering changes. A couple of ideas pitched by trustees- to have a pool of students substitute for student workers if they cannot come into work. Students tend to call off work with very short notice, don’t know where getting info, but interested in having students fill in odd jobs if they don’t have the time for a job. Training? Would select what jobs you would like to sub for, get a day of training for each. Put together an event for trustees to get together with students to socialize, want to have conversations with us. More interactive/interesting orientation, much higher participation rate than years before. Students came out knowing a lot more. Email Jen Washuck, student coordinator. Pushed Title IX more than in previous years. 8 applications for office of christian ministry director. Over 100 more students participate in Christian ministry this year than last year. Counseling services- received a handful of qualified applicants, making an offer to someone may just work for one year, may hire two positions following spring. An extra counseling staff member helping out a few hours each week, already employed. 11 applicants today. A lot more Title IX reports this semester, more confident in University to help them. Actually happening before anyway, not being reported. Don’t just have to be sexual harassment reports→ harassment, stalking, to actual abuse. Not just being on the wrong floor on the wrong time.

Judicial Affairs: Should have gotten email regarding conduct. Meeting with Christie about concerns, difference between administrative hearing (noise, alcohol violations, violations with 1 or 2 people) and conduct board hearing (charges of hire degree, more sensitive topics, more than 1-2 people). Email Sabrina and Rebecca if you want to change this system.

Residence Life: Kim supports new hall reps election process. Need to make changes to constitution. POTENTIAL year requirement changes- do not talk about it, do not perpetuate. Kim not opposed necessarily to alcohol policy changes, benchmarking with other institutions. Alcohol committee meeting, tomorrow at 6 PM. Not cancelled. Meet in fireplace lounge. Talk about alcohol and alcohol paraphernalia policy.

A.B.C.: Deadline for full and provisional charters- Nov 8.

Senior Class: Working out sending emails.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: Able to send email blast, large number of replies. Mostly people telling them that they were not sophomores.

Freshman Class: Sent out newsletter, got some positive feedback but no concerns.

Advisors: No report.

President: Homecoming recap- window won 3rd place. Mark elected homecoming king. Need window cleaned by fall break→Wednesday before 1 PM. Reina making social media posts, working on getting website up and running, making it mobile friendly, need photos. CPR training- 10AM-2PM, only there for 30 mins. Not available next year. AEDs saved basketball player at AU. Working on getting AED in library because employee died. Trained, not certified. Met with Judge Goode- enlightening meeting, happy with University. Different environment at AU, concerning AU students, alcohol, and law violations. Drunk students walking on Claremont an issue. Specifically issues with athletes, will be talking about how to reach those groups. Events committee: 1. Speak-up 11/13 7:30-9PM. 2. Impromptu toga night- wear togas to short meeting, will receive email, snacks. 3. Ashland University olympics, invite all student body. 4. Myth busting event- positives and negatives: people think that the University was going to take away scholarships from LGBT students NOT TRUE, can submit tickets for wifi issues. Late this semester, early next semester. Can be a social media event. Who is actually on AU board of trustees? Have to hunt for a list, somewhat hidden. Prioritize page. Board meeting: institutional advancement committee- campaign for every individual (stories of AU, student emergency fund) doing really well. Margaret Pomfret coming to speakup. Vinyl marketing super involved in campaign, raised $20 mil in first to years. 5 year campaign for $50 mil. Alumni- do a matching service between alumni, faculty, staff, and students. Interest survey connections. Act as a mentor for you. Freshman class- Catherine Williams would like to talk to senators about enrollment, told her to talk to freshmen. Will get email. Senior class will get in contact with alumni people. Credits do not transfer really well for veterans, working on figuring it out. Big meeting: Doing well on finances. faculty senate president Dr. Bonfiglio talk about shared governance should expect with administration. Issues with that. Dean of online school presented on continuing education, non-traditional education (CCP, returning to school). Passed approval for continuation of campaign of every individual. If you have heard something interesting in board report, email person who reported it and start a conversation.

Old Business: N/A

New Business:-Wifi concerns: Lake tech reps here to address issues. Shelby- cannot stream netflix in senior apartment B- submit ticket, IT will come out immediately. Registering devices (roku, etc.)-to stay on and have reliable access. Wireless MAC address, enter to Use to submit ticket, also on general website (menu). 540-5289, or stop in Patterson. Guest network will kick you off every 24 hours. Apartment A and C kicks off laptops and phones. Could be a device issue, knows password has changed and needs to re-enter it. Forget network, sign back on. Could be quick fixes or challenging, issues with device not wifi. Blackboard situation- assignments disappear, blackboard not load. Monday outage first time in two years-an actual blackboard issue. Quizzes not recommended to be taken on mobile devices- if on a laptop, another issue. No one submitted ticket for concerns, could not be talked over further. Can’t help if IT doesn’t know. Printers in Eagle’s Landing- last Monday, printers not connected to laptops in Eagle’s Landing. After printer got swapped out. Works now→ someone broke the computer. Dana- printer downstairs not printing in color yesterday and today. From laptop beside printer. Josh- What would be the best idea to try to resolve these issues? Push people to submit tickets? People don’t know where to submit ticket, communication potentially an issue. Currently talked about in orientations and drive-ins. Ashley- do not talk about how to submit a ticket in O-team. Send out student-body-wide email with ticket link, what kinds of tickets, send out info about registering devices. Reina as PR, make social media posts about it. Senate will pass out pamphlets for IT. Dr. Pool talk to res life, clear stickers. Stick on printers, printer instructions. Mail boxes. IT instructions inside res hall doors. Many students know that you can submit a ticket, not how. Wifi faster in general.

-Executive session: Jeremy Ziemak, College of Nursing Rep- APPOINTED.

-Resolution 101519-01, concerning the alcohol paraphernalia policy- Decorative shot glasses not included in this policy if not being used to consume alcohol. University officials- RA. Staff members- above pay grade of RA. What about a water bottle? Intended to incentivise staff members to exercise caution. Current policy is incredibly vague: any container which at a point held alcohol. Policy to allow for a thorough execution for alcohol policy. Red solo cups- cases dismissed. Allowed on campus. Tiny shot glass ones not allowed on campus. Josh- has to be vague because you can put alcohol in any container, and alcohol is coming in different forms of containers. Would have to have probable cause that the container was used to hold alcohol since its arrival on campus. Abby- what is probable cause? Burden of proof on RA to prove that it held alcohol while it is on campus. Actually have to make a case as to why the RA is confiscating an object. Probable cause- 51% chance that the event happened. Have to use inductive reasoning, cannot prove with certainty. Cannot include in the resolution, have to train the RAs as to what “probable cause” means. TABLED.

General Concerns: 45 second speaking time. Emma- adding a comment box at nest, already working on signs for dining services comment and concerns. Would be too much. Ashley- email came out to senior apartments and clayton- supposed to be a designated spot for bikes if you are in a student apartment. Where is this designated area? Dana- exchange student 110 transfer credits from previous university, if do not transfer, will have to do 4 more years here. Intl students not included in orientation. Only included freshmen, transfer students optional. Should be welcomed to come. Transfer students had to attend all orientations. Grad international student concerns, need to forward to grad senate concerns. Random gunshots- military funeral on campus, not notified. Call safety if people are dressed up in costumes scaring people.

Announcements: Tuesdays- wear senate shirts if you would like. Would be great. Ratio Cristi 6:15 tomorrow. Enemy of the people this weekend. International Arthur Miller conference, free for undergrad student, otherwise $150-200. Theatre page on Ashland website. International edu week next week. 11:55 the Scream. 7:15 Karate. 8:15 lower chapel meditation group. Men’s soccer 7 PM Friday. Women’s soccer 10 AM Sat. Office of diversity looking for intern. Hosting socialize s’more 10/23.

Meeting Closed at

11:18 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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