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Minutes 10/22/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Updated: Nov 2, 2019

Officer Reports-

Vice President: No report.

Academic Affairs: No report.

Finance: Water should be fixed in Andrews, as well as door in apartment B.

Student Affairs: Looking through constitution, had mix-up with committees. Those Sky listed should also be on her committee.

Judicial Affairs: No report.

Residence Life: Meeting with Kim at the end of the week. Finally got Kil rep.

A.B.C.: Provisional and full charters due Nov. 8.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: No report.

Freshman Class: No report.

Advisors: No report.

President: Office hours- Every senator has to serve 1 hour a week. Meeting with graduate student senate president tomorrow morning. Keep sending IT tickets in and telling people to send tickets in. Will send out email if you want to talk to Sabrina.

Old Business: Resolution: 1051519-01: Almost no changes. Anyone that has an alcohol paraphernalia violation will affect people’s future job applications, etc. Emma- Potential for past violations to be taken off records? PASSED unanimously.

New Business: Executive session: Kilhefner Rep- APPOINTED. Nathan: report on what happened with philosophy club, which asked Nathan to represent them. Concerns about alcohol policy. Brannigan- goes to O’Bryans and eats, if you are over 21 you can order a drink, but not officially a part of the event. Nathan visited Dr. Pool who said the Brannigan would be ok to post on Engage Ashland. Dismissed because one of the definitions of the brannigan is a drunken brawl, but only one of the definitions. Was able to have Brannigan but under a different name. Who has power to execute policy? Phil club was given 3 different policies about event. When interpreting law or word that has different definitions, look at the past usage of the word. Look at past phil club usage of the word “brannigan,” not a drunken brawl. Other organizations would have difficulty knowing who to reach out to if this issue came up. The concern isn’t necessarily that the university is preventing events that promote alcohol, but more that this is happening with little to no communication before or afterwards. Student handbook alcohol student organization policy: “use” of alcohol banned, but not being enforced at all events. There should be a discussion. Phil club has no issue with the alcohol org. policy itself, but the way in which it was executed.

General Concerns: Look at constitution for position role. Rebecca: Why is the Christian rock music playing all the time at Nest? Not offended, but confused. University wants to emphasize Christian heritage. Heard something along those lines from man who runs the Nest. Ashley: Once you walk inside the Library, the display to the left has an empty Jack Daniel’s bottle propping something up. Noah: Student Senate office locked during office hours. Rebecca: Nov 1- graduation application due. Found out by sheer accident. Justin: Counselor update? Reina: SEND PHOTOS. Dana: What are we supposed to do at student conduct board meetings? Tiffany: Theatre major being taken away? Discussed, not planned to have it be removed. Not started removing it yet, but Board talked about it. There will be a phase out period where current students have to graduate first. Removed some majors within theatre department. Josh: Lot I- Gravel mound in between two slabs of asphalt. When it rains it will move the gavel to make a ditch in Lot I. Submit ticket to facilities. Katy: Nest, hours of operation and being open. Communication from school as to when it is supposed to be open and closed. Justin: ordered food over fall break on grubhub, wasted swipes because Nest was closed. Nothing on website about scheduled closings. Abby: things undercooked or not cooked at all, especially chicken. If you have a problem you have to document it to someone. Do not thaw out gluten free bun. Ordered toast, got buttered bread. Mark: Where would one submit complaint? Online for auxiliary services. University should have separate complaint pages for different departments. There is a number to text for complaint for general dining services.

Announcements: 11:55 Wednesdays Scream. Free Movie Tech Crew, Hocus Pocus, 8 PM Friday. International club scavenger hunt- 3 winners. Pavers for Maggie’s Eastern-Orthodox Church. Come together as a group, do not use ABCC funding. Jacob K. getting together a group of people who are interested in getting healthier food in convo. Office of Diversity still looking for an intern. Speak up Nov 13 7:30-9:30.

Meeting Closed at

10:12 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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