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Minutes 11/12/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President:

Academic Affairs: Any registration issues? Send to nick

Finance: Any salt/ice and other issues? Email Jacob

Student Affairs: No report.

Judicial Affairs: Conduct board training days. Sign up now if you have not done so already.

Residence Life: Kim’s draft of a paraphernalia policy based off peer marked institutions, passing through res life staff: questions about shot glasses. Would be a different thing under a different category. Meh to semi-positive.

A.B.C.: Committee meeting to go over charter apps. If there is an org. That did not submit app on time, let matthew know. Next Tuesday charters to vote on.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: No report.

Freshman Class: John and working on survey to send to Freshman class: why they chose Ashland.

Advisors: See the next version, the best version of each senator. Dr. Campo will be hosting a conversation on 12/5 at 8 PM. If you know one of your peers who would like to speak at commencement, let Dr. Pool know. Two counseling positions that have been verbally accepted, but not written accepted.

President: Speak-up tomorrow! Wear your shirt tomorrow. Provost Jarfster’s father passed away, will not be able to be there. May ask a representative to go. Events committee- be there by 7. Email asking for senators to serve on Academic Integrity Board. You can print from your device in the student center via google cloud.

Old Business: No report.

New Business: No report.

General Concerns: Nathan- If you take above a certain amount of credit hours they are charging you extra. New potential policy- 19 credit hours- $900 extra charge. 21 credit hours- $700 charge. Dana- Why is it mandatory for international students to live on campus? A lot of cultural differences, perhaps religious issues. Cannot go home during breaks, nothing is open. Heard from students that there were boys with masks running through parking lots, etc. Felt unsafe, saw at more than one time. Unsure if she called safety. Dimitri- saw someone on King road by the rec center in a mask. Jacob- they thought at first that it was students, but actually people from around town trying to scare students for halloween. Safety was called about them once? Always call safety immediately. Ruby- Guy in a black morph suit chasing down a girl. Called safety. Commuters have to live with their parents and cannot live in their own housing, a concern. Katy- Could there be an online portal to make appointments at the health center? Tina Oswalt. A google calendar? Justin- Residents in amstutz- Some meeting on 9th floor permanently unlock exterior doors in amstutz, residents did not feel comfortable/safe. Student Apartment A, facing Clayton, gutter is clogged. Fraternity circle crosswalk gets pretty dark. Could lights be added there? People speed down that road. Broad Street. Cassandra- very very icy in front of Clayton. Call safety. Better than a facilities ticket. Josh- Lot I- Still had not been touched by plow or salt as of this morning. Coned off majority of good parking spots.

Announcements: College Republicans 9:30 tomorrow night. Thanksgiving dinner at the first presbyterian church 5:30-7:30 PM. Karate 7:15 Tuesdays. Wednesday 11:55 scream. Falconry Thursday at 7 PM. one of the divine 9 chapters is coming to answer questions and gather interest. Almost have a divine 9 chapter on campus. Alpha Phi Alpha next tuesday at 6:30. Upper convo. BSA save and manage money event. Jacob Nestle- debate 22nd 7 PM in Ridenour room. Dauch 115. 7:30 AHS Drone Warfare Tomorrow. Week from tomorrow first night of Madrigals! Tomorrow 7PM veterans for peace. Captain marvel Friday at 8, Endgame Sat at 8. Next tuesday at 7:30 men’s basketball game.

Meeting Closed at

9:58 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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