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Minutes 11/19/19

Student Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President: Enrollment management and marketing committee meeting last week. A lot of concerns about unduplicated starts- first-time students starting at AU. 60% range that leave this Ashland County and return back within county within a year. Trying to reach out to community and bring them into university. Big concerns about commuters and transfers with transfer credits. Worst lot and highest meal plan for commuters. Open houses for incoming Freshmen/perspectives. Pretty good turnout 58 students attended. 100 students registered for this one. Spend time with departments and professors. DACA policy- undocumented immigrants moved to US when toddlers. Do not have citizenship, illegal immigrants in US against their will. AU doesn’t have a policy about DACA yet. Forming a policy for it. Federal government does not know what it is doing as far as DACA education goes. We get around 3-5 non-documented DACA students a semester. Interested in representing that population. Summer school in China- AU faculty over summer teaches AU courses at Chinese universities. 95% of undergrads receive some form of financial aid. Now buying more ads on streaming services. Trying to get billboard numbers about the tuition freeze. Students in correctional facilities very excited about University. In the past they have had professors and departments write personalized letters to prospective students. Students writing letters to prospective students? Akron doing this. Psychology department sending prospective psychology students letters.

Academic Affairs: Education Faculty Technology committee met. Submit a ticket if you have a problem with printing. University connected printing service provider about correcting issues within two weeks before contract gets reviewed. Printer over by computer bay prints in color. Academic retention and advising support committee- Commuters don’t always feel welcome, all faculty members at meeting have had commuters tell them that they don’t feel welcome. Commuter rep sit on commuter exploratory committee. Lot I, Commuter Lounge, Nest. Giving commuters access to dorm halls? All faculty members on committee noticed a decline in student mental health on campus. Don’t know how to function with multiple responsibilities. Drop in living learning communities in a year/year-and-a-half slot. Under half numbers. If anyone had said they do not agree with how we do degree planning at AU, have them send Nick 200-400 words. Should take 45 mins to plan four years. Took student conduct training to fulfill mandate we set last year. Need more student conduct chairs. Training time slots not fitting in schedule. Possibly doing an online video that students can watch. No one emailed Dimitri back when he emailed them and showed interest.

Finance: The printer in Dauch computer lab now works, changed this afternoon. Put in tickets.

Student Affairs: Today first time that she sat down with someone and submit a ticket. Had no idea they could do that as a student. Sit down with people and submit tickets with them!

Judicial Affairs: No report.

Residence Life: Getting staff feedback on resolution.

A.B.C.: No report.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: Sending out other email for end of semester.

Freshman Class: Sent out survey, got over 90 responses.

Advisors: Dr. Pool: Not cool to have sports channels in lounges removed. Full-time counselor now hired Richard Berardo took full-time job, other position will be filled by January. Crisis text line: 4-HOPE. Doesn’t have to be a burning crisis. Renee Brown- Dare to Lead. Sleep! It’s good for your health, can make you a better leader.

President: Happy Gettysburg Day! Speak-up was awesome! 50 students including us, only 20 senators there. No meeting next week. Teddy bear drive coming up! Dec 2-9.

Old Business: N/A

New Business: Charters-Vote on it, 51%.

Provisional Charters:

-Pi Sigma Alpha- Political science honorary. PASSED.

-Fencing Club- Does not need funding. PASSED.

-Roman Life.- PASSED.

-Zero-waste club- sponsored by graduate students, will not be receiving ABCC funding, but will be granting provisional charter while grad student senate is starting up. Reuse clothing, make them into clothes, fashion show, selling it. A lot has to do with textiles. Teach more reusable practices with textiles. Already part of a class. Have framework for it. PASSED.

- AU Hacky Club- Hacky sack. Not asking for funding. Permission from Rec already for schedule? Would they need an official space to do this? Meeting times on charters flexible. Can reach out to them and tell them to check with Rec. PASSED.

- UNIDAD. Can talk with Nicole and ask to redo second page in more legible handwriting. PASSED.

Full Charter Application:

Ashland University Dance Company. Must finish Article VI. Can review article before end of semester. PASSED.

General Concerns: Josh-Lot I- holes were filled immediately. Cones still there, doing renovations on the new Veterans building. Received a ticket for parking in Lot I in an open spot. Claimed that he moved a cone to park in the space, he did not. Appealed ticket. Dana- Can at least one of the printers in Schar be accessible by students? Have to walk all the way to the Library or Student Center. Why do students have to pay extra money during break even Convo won’t be open? Not a lot of students can go back home. Leave by 6 PM the night of instead of 10 AM the next morning. So staff do not have to work on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. If there is a concern, let Res Life know. Concerns driving at night. Emma- Convo no ingredients list under food. Have to ask, most of the time the workers don’t know. Ingredients list on online menu. Seen cross-contamination of utensils in oatmeal line (nut allergies). Person with tree-nut allergies unknowingly ate food at convo with tree nuts, had severe allergic reaction. Gluten cross-contamination. Always have to ask if the salubrious food is actually gluten free and dairy free. At Nest gluten free bread is extra. Write 250-400 words on it. Take a video with concern. Office hours. Can’t take things to people without it. Email Shelby. Not always nets on hair and beards. Have found food with hair in it. Lack of food that is Kosher or Halal. Ashley- hospitality class have to volunteer in convo, some workers touch food with bare hands. Meats should not be contaminated- friends with meat allergy. Number of healthy options at Convo super low. Katy- Student complain to her about Nest hours. Cannot get food but paying for a meal plan. Nathan- Athlete late-night practice on Fridays. No eating options on campus. They can’t get people to come in for shifts. A list of students willing to work those hours? Odd jobs solution? More of an emergency thing. Already have issues with Nest quality. Takes a ton of training. Extend 1-2 hours convenience store open. Did extend hours on Friday. Biggest issue is the managers reluctance to keep the Nest open. Ruby- a couple of complaints about the smell of marijuana in Clark and Clayton. Call safety, alert RA. RAs can enter room bc they smell marijuana. RA will get safety services if people refuse to allow enter. Have to call safety period. Kaitlin- unprofessionalism of RA. Who should they talk to about that? Myers- send Jacob an email. Justin- Recently in amstutz in elevators people have been repeatedly scrawling hateful slurs. Facilities scrapes the slur away, person comes back and scratch again. Divine 9 meeting posters ripped up and thrown on ground. Non-persons of color residents using racial slurs. Residence life is aware of this, more for like students senate to be aware. Potential educational meeting for whole hall. Terri Link also aware. Put notice out to residents that this happened. Making tour-guides’ jobs harder. Cannot take them up elevator, to nicer dorm. Dana- International students have been facing a lot of racism this year. International student kicked out of his dorm by an American student. Residence Life aware. Shelby- Brought up by professor, something should be told to students. Friday last week in Kettering a professor’s office was broken into and her stuff was stolen. Professors now locking doors. No suspects or leads. No cameras in academic buildings. Students should be locking their doors. Annual crime report- most often crime theft from unlocked room. Jeremy- Amstutz- a couple of reports of students shaking handles and going into unlocked rooms. Ashley Schaar- Especially in senior apartments 10 attempts trying to get into apartment. Drunk people go into wrong apartments. Reina- Some people going into people’s doors in Andrews. Sky- On blackboard, grades are not popping up immediately, has to hunt to find grades. Have to calculate each and every assignment to figure out grade. May be a professor setting. Majority of classes don’t use blackboard. Ashley- speaker for Dauch, cancelled 11 AM and 12 PM class. Professors refusing to cancel class. COBE professors don’t have to cancel class. Arts and Sciences have to cancel for URCA. History class refused to cancel during URCA.

Announcements: BWW phil club karaoke tomorrow at 9 PM. Phi Delta Theta spaghetti night this Saturday. Phi Alpha Theta selling scrunchies tomorrow. November 22 debate between YAL, CDs, and CRs. Diversity doing a thankful video challenge. December 5, 8 PM meeting with Dr. Campo in auditorium.

Meeting Closed at

10:54 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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