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Minutes 12/3/19

Student Senate AU

Officer Reports- 

Vice President: 

Academic Affairs:

Finance: New printers have to swipe, put in login info to print. Sent out a confusingly-worded message on portal about print jobs. Should have sent out a clearer email. Packet of instructions in library.

Student Affairs:

Judicial Affairs: If you have emailed Rebecca and she has not responded, do so again. She has not been receiving emails.

Residence Life: Still working on resolutions.

A.B.C.: Sent out email with full charters for new business. Download, a zip file. 

Senior Class: 

Junior Class: 

Sophomore Class:

Freshman Class: Sent out survey to freshman class and got results, all really positive. 125 responses.

Advisors: Trying to get feedback from students by tomorrow about sports channels. 

President: Teddy Bear Drive through Monday. Boxes in student affairs office, in senate office. Taking a photo after new business. Put sign up in acadmeic building you are going tomorrow. Cork boards. Spring retreat- MLK day potentially. Keep it on your radar. Will send out a survey. 

Old Business: 

New Business: 

Provisional charter:

-Delight ministries- PASSED

Full charter: 

-Ashland Falconry Club- PASSED- Nick and Katy abstian


-Eagle Consulting- Stipulation, want them to write a constitution- work with local schools and robotics program- PASSED

-Swim Club- Stipulation, constitution- PASSED

-Video Game Club- PASSED

-American Sign Language Club- PASSED- Nick and Maggie abstain

-Sustainability Club- PASSED- Josh abstains

-International Badminton Club- provided constitution- PASSED

-AU Dance Company- provided Article VI- PASSED

Resolution 120319-01: Sport networks

  • Many students do not want to cancel the networks. Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports Ohio, Sports Time Ohio. Includes Ashland sports games. 37% ranked it as a 10, being very important. 

  • Can stream online. Jacob K. does not see people watching these networks while on rounds. Jacob N. saw residents, mostly athletes, watch these networks. 

  • Will affect senior apartments. Will be annoyed that perks are being taken away and benefitting not the senior apartments.

  • Did anyone get the survey to take?- not all. Is the survey biased bc of the subject line/how it was set up? 

  • Where will money be reinvested? Dorm halls? Will not affect tuition.

  • Watch game on reddit, legal, hook up laptop to HDMI, can watch it anyway.

  • Concerned about short timeline to make decision. 

  • Will not affect Campus of Nursing. 

  • Try to get more information, MOTION TABLED TO SPRING 2020 SEMESTER.

    • Make own survey. New survey, other reps did not collaborate. 

Resolution 120319-02: Community Equal Access Resolution

  • Have talked about for a year, spurred again after commentary at a faculty senate student retention meeting. Commuters feel ostracized, can’t enter common rooms where their resident friends hang out bc don’t have access to residential floors. 

  • Josh has talked to commuters. Some commuters felt more welcome on campus by the very fact that this issue is being discussed.

  • Justin- res life a hall is a quiet place for sleep and study. Socializing rooms/benefits extended to those who pay for access to those halls. Safety or liability issue? 

    • Nick: Students who live on campus can visit other res halls from 8 AM-11 PM anyway. Res life philosophy actual concern. Inconsistencies

    • Jacob Brown: Make sure they don’t have access to places like fraternity houses by accident.

    • Everyone on campus has access to other res halls which they don’t pay for. 

  • Jacob Nestle: Resolution only functionally allows commuter students into res halls which they would have access anyway by having friends who can get them into the building. Concern about strangers on floor.

  • Mark: feels like you’re putting your commuter friends out sometimes. 

  • People who have to move quickly and thus have general access to dorms. Emergency situations. Commuters can’t enter buildings in case of emergency. Is that written down somewhere? 

  • Commuter students left out in dark and cold and her phone died so could not contact friends. 

  • Ashbrook commuters have access to 3rd floor Andrews all the time, can socialize. 

  • Interrupts students’ daily lives. 

  • Josh: Majority of common areas for commuters to have access to in order to study are generally pretty empty. Commuter room is too small. 

  • Dr. Pool: Has anyone talked to safety services about this issue?- they don’t know why commuters don’t have access.

    • Make it work so that it’s not online students, Columbus students, etc. 

  • A part of a larger goal to make commuters feel less like aliens on their own campus. 

  • Add undergraduate before “commuter students.” 

  • PASSED. Jeremy, Jacob, Mike abstain. 

  • Take the next steps. Talk to safety services. Report back in January. 

Resolution 112219-01: Condemning the Increased Cost of Color Printing

  • Why a massive increase?

    • Ratio of cost of color toner to black toner

  • Printer services have now changed to IT

  • Info not sent out to any students. A part of a larger portal update, sandwiched between different messages. 

  • No students check the portal ever. 

  • Cost of printing black and white on paper, versus color printing on paper. Moving up number of prints to be matching the ratio. 

  • Who is actually printing off all their prints, black and white vs color? A lot more difficult to color print on campus anyway. What amount of money is actually being spent on printing? 

  • New xerox printers on campus automatically print in color. Students can easily accidentially print off all their color prints by accident

    • Working on changing back to default black and white

  • Every powerpoint 80-100 slides for nursing classes. Education majors heavily affected, get extra prints but not enough. 

  • Looking at quotas per students in classes- set up by professors. Not practical? 

  • Decide on number today, get info, maybe work on another resolution later. 

  • Will not change until spring 2020. Include short letter of intent. “Until Feb 1, 2020.” 

  • Language Change: MOTION FAILS. 

  • Letter of Intent: PASSED. 

Letter to Board 12/3/19 About Alignment Policy: PASSED.

  • Letters to board must be approved by full senate

General Concerns:

  • Hall reps should have information for those who live in their halls. Ashley reached out to res life and did not respond. Reach out to ARD.

  • Thanksgiving break- contention with when we were supposed to leave. Calendar and actual date wrong, students got out of work at 5, couldn’t get into dorm. 

  • Room checks for move out email. Email Jacob Nestle. Up to AC discretion 

  • Didn’t get any emails. Left with light off, came back light was on. 

  • Did anyone get locked out at 5? 

  • Being an RA, had to fill out room entry notifications who were roommate ready, suspected of in violation of that. Not have to be sent out for those rooms who went in and closed window. Any violations, written up. 

  • Send things to Nestle.

  • During break common ground and comupter lounge were locked. Could not access academic buildings. 

  • During summer, can there be a place on campus where people can put their stuff (like fridges or TVs)? Students have to buy storage units. Off 42. Hershey’s store and lock it. Anytime store and lock, on Clairmont. Ashbrook students can store stuff in specific room that ABC has, but security is sketchy. In dire circumstances. Leave things with friend. 

  • What’s happening next to Veteran’s affairs and Vines? Building veteran’s affairs building. 

  • Appealed ticket, did not respond 2 weeks later. 

  • For commuters: Can you buy meal plans? Yes. Can only have 80. Pay cash. It’s $600 cheaper. Some faculty support: Dr. Waterman. Every meal plan listed to select even though a commuter. 

  • Non-applicable option for course evals? 

Announcements: Teddy Bear Drive til Monday. Carry them around with you til Monday. Have to be new bears. Tomorrow from 6-7 NRA University. 7 PM Stress Less Fest Friday. 11:55 Scream. Prince Caspian tomorrow 7:30 lower chapel. Saturday at 12 Tuba Christmas. Sunday at 7 Festival of Lights. College Republicans tomorrow 9:30. Karate 7:15. Small ensemble concert tomorrow. CFA 115. AU dance company Nativity ballet. Tomorrow at 5 Religion department will presenting undergrad theses. 

Meeting Closed at 

11:28 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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