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Minutes 9/10/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President: We’re glad you’re here! Responsibilities: each senator is assigned to committees led by exec board, where they will help with projects and resolutions. Hall reps in res life committee, the rest mostly can be placed wherever. Nathan will be sending out email. Shirt options: polos and normal t-shirts/crewnecks. Nathan will be working closely with most because he wants us to increase communication with constituency. Senators will have a bi-weekly or weekly meeting with constituency requirement, reports to Nathan and Sabrina. Looking at implementing service project/hours requirements with the Senate: adopt a lot project with the Mayor’s office: Bi-weekly or weekly we go out and clean parking lots- 6 lots, more planning and handling within the next week. In contact with mayor, city council, lions and rotary clubs for more service ideas.

Academic Affairs: Looking at credit transfer issues from AP or CCP courses. Write 250-400 words on issue and send to Nick. In addition, any issues with how core classes fit in with major/minor- certain core classes have to take as a redundancy when the student should have the skill already because of their major. Another 250-400 words. Any professor error blackboard- uploaded something, not where it’s supposed to be, etc., let Nick know.

Finance: Couple of meetings tomorrow. Let Jacob Brown know if you have any issues.

Student Affairs: Meeting with Dr. Pool and Jacob Brown about student job issues (hours, being switched around, etc.). Let them know if you have any issues.

Judicial Affairs: Talk to Rebecca if you’re going to be absent from a meeting. Will send out a google form for attendance. You must let Rebecca know you will be absent at least 24 hours in advance of meeting. Reformatting how elections are run so senate is more involved. Code of conduct for elections. Going over student conduct policies and changes with Kim Lammers.

Residence Life: Hall president election procedure has been a disaster for a while, will go over in new business. Review res life policies in committee, which as power to determine res life policies (all res life staff also on committee).

A.B.C.: Meeting with Nicole and Sabrina tomorrow to discuss club grants. Separate meeting with Nicole on provisional charters and keeping fully-chartered clubs active.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: No report.

Freshman Class: Want to focus on sending out email senate newsletter to freshman class.

Advisors: Dr. Pool: Any time you have a question about university policy, ask Sabrina, Schuyler, Dr. Stevens, or Dr. Pool. Alcohol policy resolution: based off feedback from residents in senior apartments, disagree with policy only allowing beer and wine in senior apartments. Resolution would allow all liquor legal in the state of Ohio in senior apartments (if all roommates 21+). University’s concern is that how are we going to respond to crisis (RAs, university) where students use hard alcohol. Pull together small ad hoc group to address university’s concerns.

President: Senate has a constitution, bylaws, and Robert’s Rules. Find full constitution on Google drive, which goes over Robert’s rules of order (on drive). Office hours! Andrews 116, senate office. Link to a google sheet, email Sabrina with times. Each non-exec. senator must serve 1 hour/week. Met with Terri Link and Jacob Nestle about a potential diversity rep. Faculty senate meeting last Friday. If you are a president or treasurer or PR person for an organization you probably have attended a meeting about engage Ashland. We want to be more engaged on campus: sports, senate tradition- toga party, After meeting, political clubs all put out flags for 9/11. President presiding: you do your job, Sabrina is here to make your life easier so you can make AU better. Phone number: (317)-997-4084. Meetings are for us to come together and talk about the work we have been doing. Send new business to Sabrina by 9 PM on Tuesday. (If not sworn in you cannot second a motion.)

Old Business: N/A

New Business:

-Jacob Nestle: Handout on hall elections procedure. Used to be hall councils, now hall reps. Moved elections of hall reps from res life to student senate. Interest is difficult with hall presidencies in the past because people didn’t know they existed. Officer of res life sends res life info about elections summer before. Standardize elections in general. Res life will send email out to everyone: difficult for someone without res life access to send emails only to people who live in certain places (andrews residents don’t get emails from kil). Fill all positions by next week hopefully. ARDs have to sub if no one becomes rep. Normally need 50 signatures (majority of some halls), need at least 10 signatures now. Officer of res life determines who is an official candidate with res life. There will be a resolution next week so we can ratify it. This week changes/suggestions: 1. College of nursing a college or hall rep? Both? Hard to have them serve as a hall rep, would have to live in Mansfield, not super likely to find someone.

-Resolution 090919-01: Diversity rep.- Must be in front of senate and read twice before voted on. Sworn in members vote, besides PR, PM, and Sec. Discussion: 1. Question- rationale behind not having voting rights the first year? Just because we don’t know how position is going to work, first year not up for election (appointed). 2. What is the definition of a diverse student? In general, persons from minority backgrounds (office has a list of students). 3. First year- appointed? Then elected? Terri hinted that she would want to have a student elected officially next year. State somewhere in the amendment that it will transfer from appointed to elected? 4. Who is their constituency? No voting→ diversity covers many different groups. A clear constituency, however. Everyone? On list? Etc. 5. Maybe make a new resolution next year including the voting role. 6. What percentage of the student body is diverse? Terri may have that information. 7. Are we making this position now because we don’t feel like senate is diverse? No-a rep specifically focused on diversity on campus. Reflects the value of diversity. 8. Are most new positions created not able to vote their first year? No, able to vote right away bc elected in upcoming election. 9. Couldn’t we just name the president of diversity and inclusion as an advisor? Very different to have a student’s voice rather than a staff member’s voice. 10. Should have a definition of what counts as diverse in the resolution? Can you get percentages of the student body that is diverse? List of names generated from admissions process: race, country of origin. TABLED.

-Executive session: 1. Senior class president, Shelby Starnes- Passes, Josh Hlavaty abstains. 2. Junior class VP, Logan Kaser- Passes. 3. Amstutz hall rep, Haley Frost- Passes. 4. Clark hall rep, Ruby Congrove- Passes. 5. Clayton hall rep, Isaac McCourt- Passes. 6. Senior Apartments rep, Ashley Schaar- Passes, Justin Politzer abstains. 7. International Students rep, Dana Awlia- Passes. PR officer, Reina Britt- Passes, Josh Hlavaty abstains.

-Resolution 090919-02: Concerning the Alignment Policy- Sponsors and co-sponsors, if you want to work with Sabrina on this resolution, let her know. Friendly amendment: under “requests:” Change “my” to “may.” On board of trustees policy, where can you find the brethren 2018 info? Online. Policy last year, specifically concerning EFP. Senate working with Dr. Pool and Board and came to a compromise. Background on alignment policy: Senate used to the body to tell Dr. Pool who we want to be fully chartered. Policy has taken that power from senate. How would practically end up affecting things: Assuming that the provisional club president wants a full charter, the alignment policy states that if the club’s application does not convince the VP of student affairs and the student senate president enough that it should have a full charter, then more discussion should happen (not immediately shut down). Don’t expect any club to need this policy enacted, but concerned for posterity. TABLED.

General Concerns: Nick attended org. training, new university database for orgs. Events now have to be approved by student life? The way the software works: moderator has to click a button to get it to post. Payoff: you get more advertisement for your event. Make sure that it’s clear what grounds for denial should be. Send out list of all newly elected and appointed senators to general population? Election results just went to candidates. Sabrina will send out email. Change in enforcement around alcohol policy- student org. events mentioning any language adjacent to alcohol or paraphernalia unallowed to table. Ad hoc committee- alcohol policies in general. Let Nathan know. Will dissolve when issue resolved. (Senators permitted to be on multiple committees.) Nest got new dine-in containers, recyclable, no separate recycling containers for them. Mark- the way the room is set up, not conducive to discussion. Seating arrangement ideas. Double-sided name tags. If you can’t hear, say point of privilege and “I can’t hear you.” Lecture hall? Student center auditorium? Shelby: we as a campus as a whole can’t use venmo for fundraising or philanthropic events. Because it’s a third party, it’s impossible to work within it and maintain 501(c)(3) status. In the works for making an app like Venmo for greek life. About people accepting money to personal accounts and then giving to group. Some chapters that have a chapter/org. venmo, acceptable or not? No. Approached by org. called Crowd Change, solely for purposes of collecting fundraising for philanthropic events- working on it. Acceptable because of legal doc. AU didn’t sign that contact, create issues. Schuyler- Asian bowls cannot get on grub hub. Cooked properly? No. Nest workers do not call names that are hard to pronounce. Emma Justice is not getting any senate emails. Friend applied to work at rec center, not allowed bc in marching band (bc of game dates), but other friend in marching band was hired. Let’s cheer team work there. Updated wi-fi- around 12:45 PM wi-fi cut out entirely. Entire internet went out. Josh- Commuters feel pretty unrepresented- parking lots, lockers in student center a joke. Lot I has been improved. 2 years ago passed resolution on commuters having access to residential buildings during normal day hours. If resolutions do nothing, is there an apparatus to follow up on that? Senate didn’t do a good enough job to make it effective. If you have any problems about res life, email Let him know about them bc he has a more direct line. Mark- How soon ahead of the meeting should a resolution be introduced? 9 PM Tuesday deadline.

Announcements: AHS- pizza 9/24 7 PM hosting debate. Frat recruitment, sign up by this Thursday night. Next week is sorority recruitment. Suite tours tomorrow. ASL club- first meeting coming monday in the rec. Every Tuesday 7:15 PM karate led by Jacob Nestle.

Meeting Closed at

11:08 PM

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"As a member of Ashland University, I will hold myself to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity; respect the dignity of each individual; honor the University's tradition and commitment to Judeo-Christian values; and serve others in our world community."

Written and Adopted by AU Student Senate
April 11, 2000



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