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Minutes 9/17/19

Writer's picture: Student Senate AUStudent Senate AU

Officer Reports-

Vice President: Everyone should have gotten an email from Nathan about assigning committees. If not, let him know. All committees assigned by Thursday. Please read and respond to email ASAP. If you were on the alcohol ad hoc committee, meet with Nathan after meeting ends. Will be creating another ad hoc committee concerning service projects. All hall reps should be on alcohol ad hoc committee, and don’t have to email back about permanent committees.

Academic Affairs: 200-400 word testimonials about AP and CCP credits not transferring, core classes within major but not getting credit for core bc of nature of major. Meeting with academic technical committee: classroom design, spends a fair amount of manhours making classrooms conducive to faculty learning. Faculty can experiment with different room setups. Looking into taking library online resources outside just AU secure, also for those logged into guest wifi.

Finance: Bike racks: 4-6 bike racks all over campus. Moving one to Dauch perhaps. Ethernet ports- plan is to cover them all, has not happened yet. Issues with Grub Hub: seems to be working better. Let Jacob Brown know if any issues. Nest food quality issues being passed down. Issues with jobs on campus: can’t find one, got laid off, know of any issues whatsoever, Jacob Brown needs name and short description of problem, email him. As to improvements which were supposed to happen over the summer but didn’t happen: we had a wet spring and a lot of roofing needed redone. Wall between Redwood and Clayton completely collapsed, had to redo. A lot of trees are missing (silver maples large limbs breaking off) because they were a safety concern. Contact with any other issues.

Student Affairs: Met with Dr. Pool and Jacob Brown about job issues. Meeting with Steve Howell within next week to continue talking about those issues.

Judicial Affairs: No report.

Residence Life: A lot of students do not know their hall reps before they are elected. Sending out info for hall presidents, all reply to email. Everyone else should be receiving email soon-ish about hall reps. Jacob Nestle is working on increasing visibility and constituent involvement for hall reps. Resolution from last week in new business.

A.B.C.: Meeting with Sabrina and Nicole Dyer about grant system went well.

Senior Class: No report.

Junior Class: No report.

Sophomore Class: No report.

Freshman Class: No report.

Advisors: No report.

President: Almost a full senate: Kilhefner, Amstutz, College of Nursing reps, and Senior VP left to fill. Met with Dr. Pool about Alignment Policy and Diversity rep resolutions. Made some changes to resolutions. Met with Terri Link about Diversity rep. Board of Trustees meeting soon-exec board going. Everyone should have received engage Ashland invitations (AU Student Senate Group). Office hours! Be available during them, but doing homework is ok. If nameplate is spelled wrong, let Sabrina know. Will be doing door decks. Voicemail password for senate office phone still MIA. Homecoming: Organizations need to sign up by the 23rd. Window painting party Sunday October 6, 2-4 PM. Student center lobby. Monday October 7, Tuesday October 8 vote for favorite window. October 9, 6 PM Wednesday, banana splittin’. Powderpuff football game- 2 ladies per organization. Thurs 10/10, 9 PM. October 11, 7 PM- Homecoming battleship, 4 people/team. Sat 10/12 Homecoming, family day, pizza pizza pizza. President’s coffee 10:30-11:30 AM, October 12 in Nest. Homecoming court nominations- have to be seniors- Female vote: Sabrina nominated, Jacob Nestle abstains. Male vote: Mark nominated, Nathan Sims abstains.

Old Business: - Resolution 090919-02: Slight adjustments, added sentence to what Senate would want the Board to add concerning provisional charters: in the paragraph beginning with “Requests that the final sentence…”-Cannot deny proposed charter without a 2-3 majority vote of the VPSA, President of the Student Senate, and the provisional club president. Club remains provisionally chartered until proposed charter is denied or until it receives full charter. Friendly amendment “my”-->”may.” Katy Wickberg’s name spelled wrong. Vote: Passed anonymously. Will go in Dr. Pool’s Board report.

Resolution 090919-01: Includes information on diversity demographics, does not include self-identified sexual minorities on campus→ separate info Terri is gathering. Not minorities on campus per se, includes women. Sabrina removed the co-sponsors because resolution changed so much. Elected v. Appointed up for debate. Nathan thinks appointment is best for now, appointing some hall reps currently. In support of the move to vote by student body and not created by administrator. Concerns not been addressing of diversity rep constituency? Terri come in and discuss them? Others besides EFP? Terri will be visiting Senate soon. Movement of University or are there issues that need to be addressed right now? AU retention rate lowest among African-American males. Incidents to propel this: speak-up from African American students, police officers and professors in community. Does the voting power on senate not currently represent diverse groups (diversity on senate)?- voting power of body already diverse, can make decisions with the help of a diversity/inclusion advisor. Specific person to represent a constituency. Jacob Nestle- if there is a chance to stand for position, should be elected. If no one else, then appointed. Nathan- first iteration appointment, then elections. Jacob- if as nathan explained, then would be elected exactly the same way. APPOINTMENTS ARE A SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE, but Senate can make a special election. Who would be the voting constituency?: every undergraduate student. Nathan: If to advise, then should have a vote instead of advising to get votes. Areas where tension can build. Isaac- values might be seperate, with idea of constituency in mind. In favor of having a vote. Sabrina: The student body would not be voting for a diverse person but to keep Senate in line with University diversity/inclusion. Tiffany: When elected? Spring? Sabrina- perhaps special election. Jacob nestle: would vote/co-sponsor, special election within a certain point of time. Nick Novotny: AU senate before office of inclusion. Friendly. Jacob Brown: No restriction on who can vote for them, also no restriction on who can run. Isaac: will show that we care about this issue. Ashley: signatures from everyone? Yes. Diverse senate in general to show support for diversity? To ensure we are corresponding with department well. Jacob Nestle: Student affairs rep= student affairs liaison, diversity rep= diversity/inclusion liaison. Sabrina: religious life rep does not make Senate not a religious body or state that none of the other senators are religious. It just tends to the issues of that particular community. No litmus test for religious rep signatures. Kaitlin: 50 signatures from white males, is that the purpose? Sabrina: not ethnic, racial, sexual minority position. We must trust students to pick someone who will represent diversity and inclusion the best. Mark: Essays, talk about experience. Jacob Nestle: more than two categories under diversity; it covers an intersection of a lot of identities. Darell, guest: AU diversity/inclusion office is for everyone! Anyone can be diverse; the office takes this principle very seriously. Height, hair color, medical issues. Matthew: explain, clarify idea (everyone is diverse) within actual bill? Immediately thought minority, not fair to just assume. Let Sabrina know if you are interested in helping with language. Darell, guest: AU diversity/inclusion office, not just for persons of color and minority students. P.R. officer do op-ed? Spread info, get constituent response. Kaitlyn Clark: Handicap issues?

New Business: -Executive session: Mike Serrato appointed for Fraternity Circle. Jakson Kennedy appointed for Jacobs, Josh Hlvaty abstains. Alyson Shoemaker appointed for Kem, Josh Hlvaty abstains. Tori Staton appointed, Josh Hlvaty abstains. Preferable for Nursing rep to live on Mansfield campus, not required- both a hall and college rep.

-Resolution 091719-01: Second page- hall rep election process- goal is to standardize, make reasonable. Resolution- 10 signatures, increase the amount of signatures? Commuter students also 10 signatures? Different process. Miller apartments counted as senior housing, under senior housing reps. Ashley thinking of reaching out to Miller apartments, refining position potentially. Same group bc different set of rules than rest of residences according to Res Life. Include constituents/residents in resolution. Time frame to get signatures- friday following move-in weekend, too soon. TABLED.

General Concerns: Abby: we should have paper bags in nest to recycle, bc we are no longer able to recycle plastic bags. Josh: huge holes in commuter parking lots (Lot I) still. Senior president: lots of issues with student jobs, 13 hour cap. Nathan: Have to specifically request to work more than 13 hours, can pay out of regular student appointment. Hour cap goes off financial aid. Make very clear to student employees. Dana: International students cannot work off campus because of visas (unless the job is an internship within major). Many international students are confused about the 13-hour cap. Send out information. 13 hours too little. Work study different hours, some work study hours, others not. We should reach out to international students, because many do not even know there is a Student Senate. Sabrina will get Dana in touch with Rebecca. Talk to Rebecca Parillo for mass email to international students. Currently working on a full email list, but it is hard to compile because of the nature of visas. Elections going to change! If you have specific instances with very unique circumstances with numbers, send to Jacob Brown and Sky Berger. Katy Wickberg: issues with awards, random fees on self-service. Nick: Self-service had nice website but was moved to html website which cannot show if your account has a surplus. Why?

Announcements: PAT having jeopardy 7 PM thursday in Ashbrook Center. AHS 7 PM 9/24, Trump foreign policy, pizza. Prelaw society meeting next Tuesday 7 PM. FSL recruitment, you can still sign up! Maggie Zumba. Diversity/Inclusion Common Ground opening- 9/24 11AM -1PM World Cafe India. The Scream 12 PM Wednesdays. Falconry: getting a bird soon! Demon Rum 6PM, upper convo. AUDC- can still join. Send Sky email. YAL meeting on current events and planning Monday 9:30. Karate 7:15 Tuesdays. Blood drive 2-6 PM Redwood tomorrow. Next Wednesday youth ministry for young women 8 PM.

Meeting Closed at

11:09 PM

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