Officer Reports-
Vice President: No report.
Academic Affairs: Looking for testimonials on credit transfers (~400 words), email Nick. Email if you are taking a class that does not count for your major or core even though there is a duplicate in the course catalog. Speaking center opened up this year, component to writing center, CFA 302, 4-7 PM walk-ins.
Finance: Let Jacob know if anything needs fixed.
Student Affairs: Talking with Dr. Pool about student jobs on campus, hours, deals not being followed through with, etc.
Judicial Affairs: Encourage people to vote Friday! Waiting on student conduct board change info.
Residence Life: Secured hall president election procedure, no longer run directly by Res Life, will be working with senate, will be picking up packets like everyone else. Different requirements. Residence life committee includes all Res Life staff who make policy. If anyone else wants to serve on the Res Life Committee, let Jacob and Nathan know ASAP.
A.B.C.: Working with Schuyler, Sabrina, and Nicole Dyer for additional funding for clubs.
Senior Class: No report.
Junior Class: No report.
Sophomore Class: No report.
Freshman Class: No report.
Advisors: Dr. Stevens: No report.
President: Elections are Friday. You must be logged into AU email to vote. Res hall reps and other reps won’t be on the same ballot, so two emails with the different ballots will be going out. Commuter rep is on the ballot without the hall reps. Tech training next week. Long exec meeting yesterday- would like senate to get involved in campus events, serve for Madrigals, sports, etc. Let Sabrina know if there are large campus events that need staffed. Senate needs a tradition→ Senate toga PARTYYY!!!! Meeting with Terri, new director of Diversity, about potential diversity rep. Sabrina and others will be attending football game on Thurs Meet at senate office around 6:30 PM
Old Business: N/A
New Business: N/A
General Concerns: Ordered a steak sub from nest, had no steak. Got a latte with no coffee in it, management didn’t understand problem. Grubhub doesn’t work. Nick surfing around on athletic website, monthly basis, would be nice for all campus events. Nathan: getting an updated work schedule by the end of this week for career services. Updates on shirts: sports polos, for some or all. Working on pricing. Small logo, probably going to be Student Senate’s official logo.
Announcements: CRs meeting tomorrow night at 9:30, pizza. Op-Ed on AU Live. All political clubs put out flags for 9/11, next meeting 9/10, senate will be helping out after meeting. Fraternity-Sorority life recruitment Thursday tailgate. YAL meeting 9:30, ABC next Monday. Tomorrow AUDC is having a hip hop tryout class 9:15-10, next day Jazz. CAB has food trucks this Friday→ Senators mingle with general population, 6? Karate 101 Tuesdays 7:15 PM.
Meeting Closed at
9:50 PM